Basic institution for training specialists of enterprises cluster is a University "MEPhI" implements training in a licensed and accredited areas of training specialists with higher education.
With the aim of training highly qualified personnel and advanced research and development in the field of physics and engineering, Biomedicine, as well as a leading position in biomedical technologies of the XXI century and their introduction into educational process, in NRNU MEPhI in 2016 was organized by the Engineering physics Institute of Biomedicine (ITIB). Structural units IFIB in 2016 instruction 995 students in 17 areas of training and specialties, covering 30 educational programs.
The Main educational programs implemented in the interests of cluster members:
- Program specialist “medicine” in the direction of training 31.00.00 “Clinical medicine”.
- undergraduate and graduate «Medical physics" in the direction of training 03.03.02, 03.04.02 “Physics”.
- undergraduate and graduate “Nuclear medicine" in the direction of training 03.03.02, 03.04.02 “Physics”.
- undergraduate and graduate «Biomedical research” in the direction of training 06.03.01, 06.04.01 “Biology”.
- undergraduate and graduate “]” in the direction of training 06.03.01, 06.04.01 “Biology”.
- bachelor “Nanomaterials for biology and medicine” in the direction of training 04.03.02 “Chemistry, physics and mechanics of materials”.
- The Program of specialist and master degrees «medical Computer systems” in the direction of training 14.04.02, 14.05.04 “Nuclear physics and technology”.
- master Programme “Pharmaceutical and radiopharmaceutical materials” in the direction of training 04.04.02 “Chemistry, physics and mechanics of materials”.
- master Programme «Biomedical Photonics” in the direction of training 14.04.02 “Nuclear physics and technology”.
- Program specialist program and graduate school ““Industrial pharmacy".
- master Programme “Intelligent system for medical diagnosis» (new).
- master Programme «Biomedical nanotechnology» (new), joint (dual degree) with the University of Marseilles, France. The number of pupils – 9.
- graduate Program ““Nanobioengineering” (new), joint (dual degree) University of Reims, France. The number of pupils – 4.
In order to provide training professionals with theoretical and applied skills to work in pharmaceutical companies and in high-tech centers of nuclear medicine of the Kaluga pharmaceutical cluster the pharmaceutical industry of Russia as a whole, on the basis of NRNU MEPhI in Obninsk created “the practical training Centre the employees of the pharmaceutical industry” (full cycle).
within the Center established teaching and research laboratories equipped with technological and analytical equipment:
- “Industrial pharmaceutical technology”,
- “Pharmaceutical chemistry"
- “Spectral methods of analysis"
- “Chromatographic methods of analysis”
- and also completed the first phase of the project “clean room" including areas of the three levels of cleanliness and equipped with all necessary equipment.
In the Center of training is a dual system of training and parallel training in the training center and the internship future employer in pharmaceutical plants of the Kaluga pharmaceutical cluster.
The implementation of the project ensured the creation of a continuous trajectory training: str (applied baccalaureate) – education – FPC. A model of targeted training for specific pharmaceutical industries, organized by the base Department for “anchor” enterprises of the pharmaceutical cluster developed professional standards for “industrial pharmacy" (professional standards will be the basis for the creation of the relevant Federal state educational standards).
Activities of the Department “Pharmaceutical and radiopharmaceutical chemistry” INPE, national research nuclear University "MEPhI"
1. Training of specialists for pharmaceutical companies and research institutions in the field of pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry expertise in the development, production and quality control of pharmaceuticals and radiopharmaceuticals. The training is conducted at all levels of higher education as well as training and retraining.
Students study subjects:
- “Pharmaceutical chemistry"
- “Pharmaceutical technology”
- “the phrase"
- “GMP Rules”
- “Standardization and quality control of medicines”
- “Nanosystems drug delivery”
and others with the participation of leading specialists of companies-residents of the Kaluga pharmaceutical cluster:
- OOO “Ltd”
- CJSC “Obninsk chemical-pharmaceutical company”
- OOO “Barahim” and others;
research centers and Universities:
- JSC «SSC RF-IPPE named after A. I. Leypunsky”
- JSC "Institute of physical chemistry named after L. Ya. Karpov”
- MRRC named after A. F. Tsyb
- Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov
- RCTU named after D. I. Mendeleev
2. Research on “road map” of the Alliance of translational medicine, IFEB, national research nuclear University "MEPhI" and in the interests of the Kaluga pharmaceutical cluster.
features of implementation of educational programs in industrial pharmacy
The Direct participation of the customer in the development, implementation and monitoring of programmes.
The Structure and content of programs related to the peculiarities of the industrial technology used by pharmaceutical companies, and shape the competencies needed for all stages of the process.
Use of modern equipment: educational and technological.
The Program “full” cycle.
Areas of research
The Design of drugs based on traditional technologies and nanotechnology.
The Development of radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosis and therapy of cancer
Development of methods for diagnosis and therapy of diseases based on nanoparticles.
Head of Department-doctor of pharmaceutical Sciences Natalia Epstein